Our society today seems to be all about choice. We want to choose our careers, our lifestyles, and, of course, exactly when and if to have children. Erin Davis explores the increasing popularity of the choice not to have children, as well as the Biblical reasons why motherhood is a wonderful ministry and should not be cast aside.
I picked up Beyond
Bath Time as a woman who is not a mother, because I wanted to reflect on
the issue. The author explores several lies presented in our culture about
motherhood, and how children are a burden instead of a blessing. She also
considers how raising children and teaching them to follow Christ can be an
amazing ministry, even though many Christians don’t applaud or recognize it.
The point of this book is not that all women should have
tons of children, but more about prayerfully considering the role of motherhood
in a new light. Ms. Davis examines several Moms from the Bible and explains how
crucial their roles were, including Mary, the mother of Jesus. She talks about children
as a blessing, and states that they serve to teach us lessons as well as
provide us with joy (most of the time!).
Overall this book was fairly short, easy to read, and full
of lessons and encouragement every mother can use. I will have to hang on to it
to revisit someday when I become a mother!