Exploring Christian Theology,
Volume One takes a fairly in-depth look into the validity of the inspired
scriptures and the doctrine of the Trinity. Part One delves into authorship and
inspiration of the Bible. The authors explore passages within the Bible that
speak of its inspiration and inerrancy and then study the development of the
Biblical canon through history from the early church to the present. Part Two
looks at the Trinity, examining again Biblical passages that teach of the
Triune God and taking a look at views of the Trinity from the early church to
the present. Both parts also give facts and principles with Biblical support
and go into various pitfalls to avoid when studying these doctrines.
When I picked up Exploring
Christian Theology I wasn't sure whether to expect a difficult read or not.
I love to read books about Theology, and appreciate depth. However, I have
found some books to be difficult to get through. I did have a hard time getting
into it at first, partly because I read the eBook and the organization of the
book didn’t make sense to me until I was a little ways into it. Once I got in to
it, I found the book to be enriching without being too complicated.
Each part ended with an extensive list of reading selections
with descriptions for those looking to study further. I am curious to know what
future volumes hold, as I found this to be a great starting point for study. I
think anyone interested in studying theology would do well to begin here.
I received this book
for free from the publisher through the BethanyHouse Blogger Review Program. I was not
required to write a positive review and the opinions and thoughts I have
expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade
Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255