It hasn't been too long since my last blog, but Bruce has been up to quite a few projects in getting the house ready for final inspection. I too have been busy, but more so with cleaning and prepping for the little one! I will try to cover my activities in my next entry!
The last of the replacement cabinets came for the kitchen, and we got the rest of our special ordered doors in (with the exception of a replacement pantry room door, since the one we got is broken). God also worked a miracle with the oven, range, and warming drawer! After the ship date was pushed back a month (see my previous house
post), Bruce sent out a last resort email to the president of American Range. We got a fairly quick response from several people within the company, and they shipped out our order that week! It arrived last Tuesday, the 5th! So without further ado, here are the latest developments.
These are the doors to the master bathroom. They will be painted white eventually but the frame is in and the doors are hung!
Here are the doors to the master bedroom (shown from inside the bedroom). They too, will be painted white.
As I mentioned before, the pantry door is broken. The wood it actually split on the backside, but Bruce and his Dad found the crack while they were hanging it, so here it is! The door, but not the frame, will be replaced soon.
Like the master bedroom/bathroom doors, these still need to be painted, and we still need door knobs, but they are in and still looking nice! (Laundry room door below)
The floor to ceiling arrived with the crate labeled upside down and backwards, but it managed to escape major damage this time (although we weren't too happy with the nicks and scrapes cause by shelves moving around). You must admit it looks lovely next to the fridge nook! And yes, we will be installing glass panes in the upper doors!
Drum roll..... The oven! Isn't it gorgeous! The warming drawer will go in soon, underneath.
And the range! It is actually quite impressive! There is a grill top underneath the cover toward the left. You can see the downdraft in the "up" position in the back. The plate sitting on top toward the right is a drip pan that just hasn't been placed inside yet.It won't be fully installed until we get the granite put in, but you get the idea!

Another recent development it the acquisition of granite for the counter top. We had to buy from two different suppliers because we found two absolutely stunning slabs of 3 cm granite from one supplier, but could only get the 2 cm granite for the back splash from a different supplier. Then, when we had to pull teeth to get a hold of one of the two 2 cm slabs that matched our other granite, they decided to ship it underneath some bundles of heavy 3 cm slabs and broke it! We were naturally not very happy since the other similar slab was sold and we then couldn't find a comparable slab ANYWHERE!!!! But fortunately our fabricator came and looked at it, and said he could work with the undamaged portion. We lost a beautiful portion of the slab that I particularly wanted but at least we'll be able to have it match the counter top. Anyway, pictures to come soon!
Over the last few days, Bruce and his Dad finished building the surrounding frame for the master bathroom tub. The cardboard is on top of the tub again, but one of these days I'll have a picture of the inside!
Today, Bruce finished wiring in the bathtub. The four outlets to the right in the picture are the result.
In order to pass final inspection the main things we've been working on have been the kitchen and the tub and shower drains. Well, the kitchen is now officially the only item left to complete before we can get inspection and turn on the hot water again! Of course the house won't be finished, but we won't need permits open anymore to finish the rest of it, and we will be able to move back in to the mostly finished portion of the house.
Below is the master bathroom shower as Bruce and his Dad were laying the membrane down...
...and again after they finished gluing it all in with mortar:
Then here we have the shower pan finished for the hall bathroom as well!
That's all I have for now! Next time I will catch up on the work my Mom and Dana and I have been doing to prep the front of the house for the baby, as well as the trailer since we'll have her in there for the first couple weeks.I should also be able to show pictures of the granite since that will be installed soon! As I write this, Bruce, his Dad, Mike, and Dana are out in the house working on various other projects, and I'm about to work more on setting up for the baby!